Why QuickBooks? (Main Features and Importance)

October 12, 2022

Why QuickBooks? (Main Features and Importance)

Why QuickBooks? In this blog post, we will talk about QuickBooks online, and why so many businesses who choose to use QuickBooks find it to be such a valuable tool. 

We will also take a look at how QuickBooks online differs from the traditional version of the software. If you're considering using QuickBooks for your business, make sure to read this post!

About QuickBooks online

QuickBooks online is a cloud-based accounting software that allows businesses to manage their finances in one place. One of the great things about QuickBooks online is that it can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. All you need is an internet connection and you're good to go.

Another benefit of QuickBooks online is that it's much more affordable than traditional accounting software.

What is unique about QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is unique in that it offers a lot of features that other accounting software doesn't offer.  For example, QuickBooks allows you to track inventory, create invoices, and run reports. This makes QuickBooks a great option for businesses that need to track their finances in one place.

QuickBooks also has a feature called "class tracking" which allows you to track income and expenses by class. Being able to track your finances by class is a great way to stay organized and keep on top of your business finances.

So, if you're wondering "why use Quickbooks?" The answer is simple: QuickBooks offers a lot of features that other accounting software doesn't offer, making it a great option for businesses that need to track their finances in one place.

What are the main features of QuickBooks?

Some of the main features of QuickBooks include:

●  Invoicing

●  Tracking inventory

●  Creating reports

●  Class tracking

Why do companies use QuickBooks?

Companies use QuickBooks because it offers a lot of features that other accounting software doesn't offer. It's affordable, easy to use, and can be accessed from anywhere. 

As a cloud-based software, QuickBooks is always up-to-date with the latest features and security updates. You can access your data from anywhere, which is ideal for businesses that have employees working remotely.

QuickBooks also offers a lot of customization options, so you can tailor the software to fit your business's specific needs. There are also a lot of add-ons and integrations available, so you can connect QuickBooks to other software and tools you use.

There are also several different versions of QuickBooks available, so you can choose the one that's best for your business. The three main versions are QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, and QuickBooks Enterprise.

QuickBooks Online is the most popular version and is ideal for small businesses. QuickBooks Desktop is a good option for businesses that need more customization options. And QuickBooks Enterprise is the best choice for larger businesses that need advanced features.

If you're looking for an accounting software that offers a lot of features and is easy to use, QuickBooks is a great option. It's affordable and can be customized to fit your business's needs.

How LiveFlow makes QuickBooks better

LiveFlow is a valuable platform built for QuickBooks, which is designed to make it easy to create an integrated, real time connection between your QuickBooks data and customized reports and dashboards in Google Sheets. This means that you don’t have to give anyone access to QuickBooks simply to review reports – you can use pre-built templates or bring live data to any customized report you already have. 

This way, you only share what departments need to see. The live connection between QuickBooks and Google Sheets means that your reports will always be up to date – without any manual exports, data formatting or hands-on effort.

LiveFlow uses real-time QuickBooks data to give you a clear picture of your business's financial health. LiveFlow automatically creates and updates your QuickBooks account, so you can focus on running your business instead of managing your books.

Additionally, LiveFlow gives you the insights you need to make better decisions for your business. With our easy-to-use interface, you can see how your business is performing and where you can improve.

Book a demo today to see how LiveFlow can help you take your business to the next level. 
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