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How to Add a Comment to a Cell in Google Sheets

In this article, you will learn how to insert a comment in Google Sheets.

A comment includes functions such as tagging someone or giving someone a task in addition to a text message. Check this article to learn those additional functions.

How to attach a comment to a cell in Google Sheets

With shortcut

  • Select a cell in which you want to insert a note.

  • Press “Ctrl”+”Alt”+M” (for Windows) or “⌘” + “Option” + “M” (for Mac), which brings up a text box.

  • Type texts in the text box.

Without shortcut -1 

  • Select a cell in which you want to insert a note.

  • Right-click“Comment”.

  • Type texts in the text box.

How to insert a comment without a shortcut

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Without shortcut - 2

  • Select a cell in which you want to insert a note.

  • Click “Insert comment” icon in the menu bar or navigate to the “Insert” tab → “Comment”.

  • Type texts in the text box.

How to add a comment without a shortcut

You see a small yellow triangle at the top right corner of the cell if the note is inserted successfully.

How to edit or remove an existing comment in Google Sheets

  • Hover your cursor above the cell incorporating the comment you want to change or delete.

  • Click the three dots icon at the top right corner of the comment box.

  • Choose “Edit” or “Delete”.

How to edit or delete an existing comment

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What's the difference between a comment and a note in Google Sheets?

A comment and a note are common in that both of them can leave some texts in a text box. However, a comment is functionally superior to a note. The difference between a comment and a note is as follows: with a comment, you can 

  • tag someone;

  • assign a comment as a task to someone;

  • tell who left the comment

  • reply to a comment another collaborator left; and

  • check previous interaction

In conclusion, you can use the two functions well depending on your purpose.

How do you add a note to a cell?

Check this article to learn how to add a note to a cell in Google Sheets.

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